Câu hỏi, câu trả lời, từ vựng chủ Đề Clothes Ielts Speaking Part 3
1. Can clothing tell you much about a person?
2. Why do some companies ask their staff to wear uniforms?
1. Can clothing tell you much about a person?
2. Why do some companies ask their staff to wear uniforms?
1. Tell me, what do you think are the greatest environmental problems facing your country at present?
2. And what has been done so far to solve these problems?
1. What are the main environmental problems in your country?
2. Why should people be concerned about the environment?
1. What type of people influence the young in your country?
2. Why is it important to have role models?
1. What makes a good student?
2. What role should the teacher have in the classroom?
1. Which one do you use more often – a mobile phone or telephone? Why?
2. Are international phone calls expensive in your country?
1. Which types of people become role models in your society?
2. Do you agree that famous people have more responsibilities than ordinary people?
1. How important are ceremonies in our lives?
2. Do you see the role of private and public ceremonies changing in the future?
1. What are some popular subjects that university students study in your country? Why?
2. Do you think that university education should be free for students? [Why/Why not]