Trong giao tiếp tiếng Anh, có rất nhiều tình huống hội thoại mà người học bắt buộc phải đưa ra những lời mời, lời đề nghị. Do đó, người học cần biết những mẫu câu thích hợp chuyên dùng cho những tình huống cụ thể như thế này. Sau đây là mẫu câu hữu ích trong chủ đề “Invitations and suggestions” mà bạn nên tham khảo.
1. Invitations
Học cách đưa ra lời mời trong tiếng Anh
1). Asking about social plans
Are you doing anything tonight?
Have you made any plans/arrangements for tonight?
What are you doing tonight?
Have you got anything fixed up for tomorrow?
Have you got anything on tomorrow?
I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight.
I was wondering if you had made any plans for tonight.
Are you free this evening?
2). Stating definite plans/no definite plans
Well, as a matter of fact, I’m (doing) …
Yes, actually, I’ve arranged to (do) …, I’m afraid.
Well, actually, I’m (doing) …, I’m afraid.
Yes, I’m (doing) …
Nothing as far as I know, Why?
Not as yet, no. Why?
Nothing special/ in particular, no. Why?
3). Stating changeable plans
Well, actually, I was thinking of (doing) …
Well, I was going to (do) …
Well, actually I had intented to (do) …
Well, I had planned to (do) …
4). Extending invitations
I was wondering if you would like to (do) …
Would you like to (do) …?
Would you be interested in (doing) …?
Do you fancy (doing) …?
Would you (do) …?
What/How about (doing) …?
I’d like to invite you to (do) …
5). Accepting and declining invitations
That’s a good idea.
Good idea.
That’s very kind of you. Thank you.
Lovely, I’d love to come.
Yes, that would be nice. Thank you.
That sounds very nice. Thank you.
Yes, great/fantastic!
Yes, that would be lovely/marvellous. Thanks.
I will if I can.
I can’t, I’m afraid. You see … (reason)
Thank you for the invitation, but I don’t really thnk I can
I’d love/like to, but … (reason)
ot really, thanks all the same. You see … (reason).
It’s very kind of you to invite me, but I’m not sure if I can.
>>Xem thêm:
2. Suggestions
Học cách đưa ra lời đề nghị trong tiếng Anh
1). Asking for suggestions
What would you like to (do) …? (When/How/How many …)
What do you suggest we (do) …? (Where/When …)
What shall we do? (direct)
What do you fancy doing? (informal)
Is there anything in particular you would like to (do) …?
2). Making suggestions
Let’s (do) …
How/What about (doing) …?
How/What about (noun) …?
Shall we (do) …?
Why don’t we/you/they (do) …? (informal)
How does the idea of (doing) … appeal to you?
If I might make a suggestion, you/we could (do) …
I suggest you/we (do) … (polite)
3). Agreeing to a suggestion
Yes, great/fine!
That sounds like a good idea.
That’s a(n) good/excellent/fantastic idea.
That’s certainly a possibility/ not a bad idea.
4). Disagreeing with a suggestion
I don’t think it’s possible.
I must say. I’d rather not.
That’s a good idea but I’d rather not.
Trên đây là những mẫu câu tiếng Anh thông dụng dùng cho các lời mời, đề nghị trong giao tiếp tiếng Anh thường ngày. Nếu bạn muốn hoàn thiện khả năng giao tiếp thì có thể đăng ký học thử một buổi học tiếng Anh giao tiếp tại trung tâm Native Speaker ngay tại đây!