Age: young, middle-aged, elderly, old, in his/her 30’s, in his/ her late teens, in his/ her mid-20’s, in his/her early 40’s, etc.
Build: fat, thin (gầy), slim (mảnh khảnh), plump (đầy đặn), medium-build, well-build, broad-shouldered (vai rộng), overweight (béo phì), etc.
Height: 1.70 m, medium height, average height, below average, tall, short, tallish (hơi cao), shortish (hơi ngắn), etc.
Hair colour: black, brown, red, fair (vàng hoe), blonde (màu bạch kim), grey, white, dyed (tóc nhuộm), a brunette (tóc nâu), a fringe, a redhead (người tóc đỏ), mousey (màu xám chuột), dark, etc.
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Hair style: long, short, straight, wavy (gợn sóng), curly, neat, untidy, with plaits, a fringe, swept back, in a bun, pony-tail (tóc đuôi gà), bald (hói), balding, receding, parted on the right side, etc.
Face: thin, long, round, oval, square, heart-shaped, high forehead (trán cao), high cheek-bones (gò má cao), thin lips, full lips, long nose, straight nose, turned-up nose, broken nose, a cleft chin, a pointed chin (cằm nhọn), double chin (cằm chẻ), etc.
Eyes: blue, grey, brown, black, green, long eyelashes (lông mi dài), bushy eyebrows (lông mày rậm), thin eyebrows, double eyelid (mắt mi), etc.
Distinguishing features: beard (râu), moustache (ria), side-burns (ria mép), unshaven (không cạo râu), clean-shaven, a scar (vết sẹo), a beauty-spot, a mole (nốt ruồi), with freckles (tàn nhang), with dimples (lún đồng tiền), with spots, with wrinkles (nếp nhăn), with lines, with glasses, (well) made-up, etc.
Complexion: pale (xanh xao), sunburned/ tanned (cháy nắng), olive skinned (da dầu), fair-skinned (da trắng), Oriental (người phương đông), brown, black, etc.